1 October 2013

50,000 page views giveaway

This giveaway is now closed.

This little blog just hit 50,000 page views (most of which are probably Tom's Mum - Hi, Julie!) and the lovely folks from Rex London (previously DotComGiftShop) have very kindly donated two fantastic prizes to make it a proper celebration :)

I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my nonsense and leaving such brilliant comments; whether you've been here since the very beginning or you've just joined the party. It's so fantastic to feel like I'm part of a proper community of crafty, talented, witty people that I can socialise with from the comfort of my sofa (and without any of you knowing my face is covered in bits of toast and jam...). I would also like to extend a particularly heartfelt welcome to whomever it was that found my blog by searching for "mouldy food"(!) Errr.... What are you trying to say, Google?!

Want to see the fantastic prizes? Thought so! Between these two, I think I've got my whole blog theme covered :)

First up - a fancy-pants Regency Roses teapot.

Gorgeous, innit?
Secondly, a build-it-yourself, wind-up DINOSAUR!! Just like the ones I was raving about earlier this year.

To have a chance of winning these goodies, you just need to follow the instructions on the widget below. The competition closes at midnight on Sunday 12 October. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Katie xxx


  1. Congratulations on the page views :) I love your blog as it's such fun and your write so well. I love those wind up dinos. I attempted to enter the giveaway but it was really confusing and then it said I had commented when I hadn't so I gave up! nevermind!

    1. Thanks Louise- that's so kind of you :) You've entered just fine- fingers crossed! xx

  2. Julie (Tom's Mum)1 October 2013 at 20:06

    Hi Katie, I think I have entered the compo...I thought I must as I may be responsible for a 'few' of the many thousands of hits you have had to your very excellent blog. It is always a delight to read and brings a smile to my face. Your blog is always original, just like the variety of successful craft projects you have completed with such skill.

  3. Congratulations! I've just hit 10000 page views, so in my own smaller way I know how proud you must feel! X

    1. Congrats to you, Emma! It's such a nice feeling to know other people are finding your blog and taking part, isn't it? :) xx

  4. Cool prizes! The teapot would be lovely in my cabinet! And I can think of a small someone round here who'd love a self building wind up dinosaur! xx

  5. Woohoo! Congratulations! Here's to another 50,000! :-) xx

    (ps. fave accompainment to a cuppa is a slice of lemon drizzle cake and someone else to do the washing up) :-)

  6. haha, some of these comments are brilliant.
    Congrats on the view-count. xx

    (my favourite accompaniment is chocolate. chocolate should be an accompaniment to everything).

  7. many hundreds of page views ahoy! I don't own a teapot. I had a little one but somehow the lid went for a holiday and didnt take the pot with it.
    Favourite tea accompaniment is a sleeping baby, so I can actually drink the cup of tea when it is still warm.
    (and bless Toms Mum!)

  8. Ooo that teapot is quite simply divine!

  9. I've only recently joined you, but I loved your friendly, witty writing style straight-away! Congrats on the hit count,
    Laura : )

  10. Oooh I love a slice of cake - chocolate brownie is best!! Congrats on reaching this epic number!!
    Anna xxx

  11. Congratulations!!! I adore wind up toys!!! Don't tell my husband (!) But the windowsill in the spare room is dedicated to displaying my large collection of winding toys. I've kept the curtains shut and boxes of my stuff are in front of it so he hasn't ventured in!!!! X

  12. And what goes well with tea is.... Victoria sponge!!! X

  13. Hey! Well done on all the views, thats amazing :) New follower too :)

    Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches
