1 September 2013

Grown Up Stuff

There are two particular activities which always make me feel like a Proper Grown Up. Strangely, these things are not our mortgage, driving a car, or being a member of English Heritage and the National Trust, but are in fact:

1. Working on my laptop on the train. 

2. Drinking a takeaway coffee on the way to work.

This means I am far too excited that my local Waitrose just installed a fancy pants coffee machine giving myWaitrose card holders ONE FREE COFFEE EVERY DAY. FOREVER. And myWaitrose Cards are free. So you're getting free stuff for free. FREEEEEE.

Free cappuccino!! More exciting than a talking unicorn.

I'm now on a mission to find a leak-proof, beautiful thermos cup so I can fill up on free coffee without using hundreds of disposable paper cups and plastic lids. So, if you have any recommendations for a cup that works brilliantly, I'd be very grateful for tips in the comments below :)

As of yesterday, I've added a third thing to my list of Stuff That Makes Me Feel All Grown Up And Responsible. It's also the most exciting thing to have happened to me recently by far (sorry, Waitrose coffee machine). I'm feeling honoured and overwhelmed to have been asked by one of my lifelong (recently engaged) friends to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. EEEEEEEPPP!!! 

I've never even gone to a wedding before, so I'm seriously psyched to be asked to be part of her special day. The cherry on the top of the (huge, weddingy) cake is that I get to share the experience with two of my besties because my other lifelong girlfriend is also a bridesmaid :) Woohoo! And did I mention EEEEEEEEEPPPP?!?! 
Bridesmaids always get to wear capes, right?
[Image borrowed from this amazing Superhero wedding]

I'm not quite sure what being a bridesmaid entails, but thankfully I have 14 months in which to cram in all the knowledge I'll need to be The Best Bridesmaid Ever. I'm going to spend that time watching films involving bridesmaids for tips on what (not) to do (I'm guessing 27 Dresses = Yes; My Best Friend's Wedding = No), learning to walk in heels (as I currently resemble a drunken newborn fawn wearing anything higher than flats), and rugby-tackling unsuspecting women outside florists' shops to build my bouquet-nabbing skills. I pretty sure that covers everything I'll need to do, right?

Katie xxx


  1. haha one and two are the same for me!! congrats tho, u should def watch bridesmaids!! oh and batchelorette which is tonally all over the place-comedy mixed with serious issues!!xx

  2. Er, not quite. I believe it's customary to cop off with the best man. But seeing as there's a few of you, you could draw straws? ;) xxx

    1. As my fellow bridesmaid is the only single one I think I'll let her have the honours. It'll probably save a lot of drama that way :p xxx

  3. That picture accurately sums up how I feel when I take my laptop on a train and I will be keeping an eye out for free Waitrose coffee.

    Girl Reviews Things xx

    1. You definitely should keep your eyes peeled - grabbing a coffee on my walk to work is my new favourite thing :) xx

  4. I'm so with you on the laptop and coffee thing and you can imagine how I felt to have a takeaway coffee ON THE TRAIN with my laptop! :P
    Congrats on being asked to be a bridesmaid! xoxo

    1. Oh my Miss Sophisticated- that is VERY grown up indeed!! :p Thanks- I am so excited about it :) xx

  5. You must watch Bridesmaids! Such a fun and hilarious movie :-)

  6. First I'm so jealous you get free coffee! I would also feel grown up heading to work everyday with a takeaway coffee! And that's so awesome about being a bridesmaid! I've never been one but I have been a bride... I think the biggest thing is just support. Listen to her freak out and calm her down haha.

    1. Thanks for the tips- I think I'm going to start carrying rescue remedy, lavender, and a paper bag for the bride to breath into at all times, just in case :p xxx
