14 August 2013

Dear Diary...

Hey gorgeous face!

How's tricks? 

I arrived home today to an exciting parcel from Amazon, after deciding to treat myself last week to something from my ever-growing Amazon wishlist (good work, Past Me! It's like a present from the past. Woah.). I can't remember the (made-up) reason I had for "treating" myself now. It was probably because it was Thursday. Or maybe I'd done the washing up. Something like that. 

Anyways, a few months ago I'd added this genius little book to my wishlist after discovering it on Hannah's drool-worthy blog Corner Cottage Bakery. Which you should totally check out by the way because:
1. It is excellent
2. As I met Hannah in real life and whatnot at the DotComGiftShop Bloggers event in July I can confirm she is equally awesome in reality
3. She really does live in a cottage on a corner.  

When the pages are edged in gold you KNOW it's going to be good.

It's not your average diary to fill with teen angst and musings about your not-so-secret crush on Joe Manganiello (erm, hello!?! that's what blogging is for...) but instead has one question for every day of the year and enough space to write a response to each question for five whole years(!) So, in *counts on fingers* August 2018 I'll be able to flick back through five years' worth of answers to a smorgasbord of weird and wonderful questions and see how I've changed (or not. As if I'm ever going to stop loving Lego!). 

1,825 answers(!) Which means, by the time I finish, I'll basically have written a novel!!

I think it's an absolutely genius idea for capturing feelings and innermost thoughts, and monitoring how someone's opinions change over the next half decade. It's basically science. And I'm really looking forward to finding out what each day's question is going to be.

I did say the questions were weird and wonderful...

In a rather happy co-incidence, today's question is "Did you complete your To Do list for today?" and, as I've just finished work to have a nice long weekend at home, I'm very glad to be able to write "Hells yes I did" as the first entry in the diary that's will become my constant bedside companion over the next five years. 

Very much looking forward to reading back this one...
It'll probably say "A bee", "My feet", "Some Toast"...

It's quite weird to think that when I finish this I'm going to be 30. I wonder how different my life is going to be then?!

I have a feeling this answer is going to be the same every year... 
Do you keep a regular diary, or would you try something quirkier like this book?

Katie xxx

P.S. I love your dress! Where's it from?!


  1. I love the q and a diaries, I think I have the kids one on my wishlist currently! more for me than the kid!! xx

    1. of course! I think it's going to be a lot of fun :) xx

  2. I always thought you were older than 25! I don't know why! I had my 30th birthday on Friday and I can't believe I am that old! That diary is a great idea - maybe something to increase my enormous wishlist!

    1. P.S. I think you really would love my dress today, which is actually a shirt - a dinosaur shirt!

    2. It sounds like I would DEFINITELY love your dress- that sounds amazing!!
      I reckon it's because I am so wisdomous- that's why I seem so old :p That and the wrinkles :) xx

  3. I think it's important to buy presents for yourself like this, I bought myself a new handbag a couple of months ago because I successfully dealt with a terribly bloody first aid accident at work. Totally justified. Thank you for your lovely words about me, I keep my diary in my bedside table so I can scribble down the answer before I go to sleep but its perfect handbag size too. Can't wait to complete a whole year and see what I wrote previously!

    1. That sounds like the perfect excuse for a handbag! Although rather a gruesome work day. That's where I've put mine- although I have a feeling it's going to lead to some very weird dreams if I have to spend 5 minutes before bed thinking about the perfect super villain! :p xx

  4. I used to write diaries for many years until I accidentally left one at my parents house after spending the weekend there. Gah! I destroyed them all after that as it was easier than getting a safe installed. We have some of my Grandmothers diaries, written when my dad was born. Very interesting and oh so different to my late teen/early twenties concerns!
    I think it will be lovely to show your offspring one day. xx

    1. Erk! That must've been awful. Although you'd hope that they'd be good and not read it. My "proper" diaries are absolutely ridiculous- SO much drama. That sounds like an incredible inheritance - what a fascinating read they must be :) You're totally right about this diary- I'd better make sure I don't put too many swears in it :p xx

  5. Such a brilliant idea. May have to buy one, or a few for some friends.

  6. Oh this is bloody awesome.

  7. Niiiiice! That would be awesome to look back on! (although, sadly, I'd never be able to remember to fill it out every day. :P

  8. Hey Katie! This is Kezzie in Switzerland but Blogger has gone into German that I don't understand (&I understand lots of German!)so I can't log in! I adore adore this idea and can think of lots of people who will now get one for Christmas! I almost bought a kids dinosaur t-shirt in h&m the other day and thought of you! Thanks, my dress is the smartest thing I've worn all holiday and comes from asos and was bought after I'd played am ancient Greek heroine in a musical!!! X

    1. Hi Mrs CBC! Thanks for the lovely comment :) Hope you're having a wonderful honeymoon- please eat extra Swiss chocolate for me!

      I have to say I've really been looking forward to going to bed this past week- purely to find out what the new question is going to be!!

      Dinosaur t-shirt you say? I'm off to the H&M website :) xxx

  9. I have this exact same 'diary'! It's been fun filling out the answers. I've had it for only about a year so I haven't had the thrill of writing in answers for questions I already answered a year ago. It'll be so much fun to read!
