13 November 2014

Three Things Thursday

Hey you guys!! Guess what?! I've found out how I want to die!! 

I mean, obviously, I would rather live forever and grow older and wrinklier every day until I eventually look like this (the dog, not the baby - that would be weird). But if I absolutely HAVE to die, I want this to be the thing that kills me:

[image source]

It's SO DAMN GOOD that I'm pretty sure I'd trade my own grandmother for a lifetime supply if I had the option. Luckily for my Nan, the grannies-for-ice-cream black market is pretty poor round here.

You'd think that discovering something so delicious it should probably be illegal would be enough awesome for one week, but over the few days I've also been the lucky/gleeful recipient of multiple surprise presents. Eep! 

Tom bought me the beautiful notebook (currently 25% off in the Debenhams sale), and the Easter egg was in a whole bag(!) of hostess gifts from friends who came over for dinner last weekend. It's a kitsch-lovers dream (check out the reverse side below), and filled with chocolate eggs too. Double win. 

The hostess presents also included The World's Tiniest Cookie Cutter. You probably missed it in the first photo; I'll just wait here while you go back and have another look... 

I'm very excited about baking hundreds of tiny biscuits, and cutting miniature Christmas trees out of toast. 

Finally, my bestie made the most of Tom being bed-bound and therefore unable to police the Stag Ban (the fourth House Rule I accidentally missed from the original list) to smuggle in the plate and matching bowl that she'd snatched up on a trip to Ikea. 

The third thing floating my boat this week is stumbling across a brilliant collection of Schmidt quotes made into motivational posters. These ones are my favourites (but it was REALLY hard to choose):

All images from here.

How are your weeks going? And have you ever eaten anything better than Peanut Butter Cup ice-cream*?

Katie xxx

* Trick question; the answer is no. 


  1. I love those Schmidt quotes! I have actually given up on New Girl, for various reasons, but reading those makes me remember how funny he is - just imagining him saying 'frittata' makes me laugh out loud!

    1. Teehee! I can understand why you gave up on New Girl- the latest season is rather hit and miss; perhaps you should just watch the Schmidt parts on Youtube! xxx

  2. Katie, I have three things to say about this post: one, the motivational posters are fantastic, two, these posts of yours are my favourite to read ever, and three, as I write this I am also currently eating some West Country fudge ice cream that may be a threat to the peanut butter one... xx

    1. Aww- thanks Skye! That ice-cream sounds pretty darn delicious. I suppose I'd best buy some myself to sample it- for scientific reasons, obviously. xxx

  3. Meh, not so sure about this ice-cream- sounds a bit like snickers in ice-cream form! ;-)
    aRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, the cookie cutter sounds SO Cool!
    Ha, the stag ban- mwa ha ah!x

    1. It's WAY better than an ice-cream Snickers. Although it's OK if you don't like it; that means all the more for me.
      The cookie cutter is adorable- I think I'm going to hang it on the tree this year too.

  4. Oh Lordy I need to get my hands on that ice cream! Thank you for bringing it to my peanut-butter-cup-loving attention. Love the crockery from ikea and the quotes are great too.

    1. You're very welcome! Tesco have it on offer at the moment too; two tubs for £6 :) xxx

  5. Love the Schmidt quotes and ice cream talk. You have made my Friday morning

  6. Man alive, that ice cream sounds so sexy!

    Love the Schmidt quotes - I too gave up on New Girl this season, but this may have re-kindled my love... xxx

    1. I reckon just keeping reading those quotes- the new season is very hit and miss.

      The ice-cream is so sexy it makes Hugh Jackman look normal :p xxx

  7. Hmmm, very interesting. Very interesting indeed. I do like me a peanut butter anything. Everything.
    Oh and I have the same notebook, the Schmidt posters made tea come out of my nose all over some semi important client paperwork and I WANT TINY COOKIES. Maybe, maybe we could make tiny chocolate cookies and eat them with the ice cream? Too much?
    Aaaand I'm not allowed stags anywhere and that's Hannibal's fault.
    M x

    1. Definitely NOT too much- we need to get on that stat!!
      Did you send the clients a link to the Schmidt quotes to explain the tea stains? I'm sure they'd understand :)

  8. Oh wow, I NEED that notebook. My partner's nickname for me is 'Plan-It Janet', so it'd be perfect for making my lists and plans in!

    1. That's a brilliant nickname :) I've started using the notebook now and I can confirm it's as excellent as I'd expected xxx

  9. Loving the notebook! I'd love to see your tiny cookies AND I'd love to know how many you could eat in one mouthfull. Tiny cookies = negligible calories. Fact. xxx

    1. Challenge accepted!! When I get round to baking tiny cookies I will send you immediate confirmation of the number I can fit in my face. I'm guessing 26. xxx

  10. I've yet to try the icecream but I am quite obsessed with resses' cups so I can imagine I'd love it. Liking the notepad alot :) x

    1. It's basically Reese's submerged in frozen peanut butter. Aka DELICIOUS. xxx

  11. That stag bowl and plate are so lovely! I love the design. And peanut butter cups are one of my many weaknesses...

    1. They're lovely, aren't they? I'll definitely be serving festive snacks in them at Christmas :) Are peanut butter cups festive? xxx

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