22 December 2013

Six Things Sunday

Evenin' all

Christmas is so close I can feel it*, so here's a list of seasonal stuff to get you feeling festive. A few of these items aren't directly Christmas-related, but I reckon the act of writing a list is festive in itself, seeing as Santa does it.

Surly Santa.
[image source]

1. Homemade cards
For those occasions which require a card, I prefer to make my own. Partly because I think it's more personal, and partly for the excuse to use glitter glue. When my friends Alice and Clem recently threw a combined Christmas, House-warming and Engagement party I felt their card needed to be extra special; so I created one with cut-out badges and safety pins sellotaped to the inside. I've been informed they intend to wear their badges throughout the Christmas season. Hurrah!

Image nicked from Alice
2. Terry's Chocolate Oranges
I'm pretty sure Terry's Chocolate Oranges are for sale all year round, but I dutifully ignore them until Christmas time rolls around each year; and then eat them by the bucketload. I only wish they were genuinely as good for you as oranges, because I would be 85% Vitamin C by now. 

Approximately the number of chocolate oranges I've eaten this week.
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3. Christmas crafts
Last weekend, my two oldest girlfriends came round for an afternoon of Christmas craft. My friend Lucy brought me a Christmas present which contained everything we needed to decorate 3 papier-mache reindeer; including decoupage paper and glitter glue. I have no idea how she managed to sneak through the alarm system Tom's installed which prevents anything reindeer-shaped or sparkly from entering our house, but I'm ruddy glad she did because our deer look beautiful:

Mine's the one on the right, inspired by Scary Spice. Obviously. 

We also got our bake on to make some delicious mince pies. For some unknown reason, Katy had NEVER BEFORE EATEN A MINCE PIE. Thankfully, she liked them. Otherwise we may have had to stop being friends with her. 

4. Secret Santa
My work's Christmas 'do included a Secret Santa, and I received the Girls' Night In craft/baking/vintage-look book - which is so "me" I actually squeaked. It includes recipes for Popcorn Martinis(!!) and Candyfloss Cupcakes, and a bunting necklace tutorial. I can't wait to stuck into the craft section. Or the martinis.

Awesome  book and pretty things
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5. Mommo Design
I love discovering new and inspirational blogs to trawl through, and after stumbling across Mommo Design this morning I've been scrolling and pinning all day. Given that it's a blog based around collecting images of colourful interior design and dinosaurs from around the internet, it seemed inevitable that I would be something of a fan...

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Most of the photos are of children's bedrooms, so I just want to reassure those of you who may have seen me pinning tons of these on Pinterest that I have nothing in the oven besides homemade mince pies. And the bump under my t-shirt is also due to homemade mince pies; because I've decided to get fat and jolly like Santa this Christmas. 

6. Fantastic friends
In addition to the aforementioned Christmas craft day, this weekend we played hosts to a lovely, rowdy rabble of friends; which included several lively debates about the pros and cons of a multipack of Tesco biscuits. I also got to witness Fran's disgusted face when, as an anti-dunker, we peer-pressured her into dunking a Malted Milk; which was something Mastercard would definitely consider priceless.

It looked like this, except with Fran's face rather than a small boy with the World's Shiniest Fringe.
[image source]

What have you been enjoying lately?

Wishing you all a very merry festivemas!

Katie xxx

*In case you were wondering, Christmas feels like mulled-wine-related mid-afternoon drunkenness, a bellyache induced by too many Quality Street, and being hugged whilst snuggled in a cosy jumper. 


  1. Hehe love this post! I wish mince pies were more popular here. I really should try making some because I love them! I had a co-worker who's mother was very British and made our office homemade scones and mince pies often. I wish I still worked there just for this reason! And I love your reindeer!

    1. You should definitely try making some; they're really easy (although that might be partly because I bought the "mince" part in a jar...). Scones and mince pies sound like a perfectly legitimate reason to want to work somewhere :) Thank you very much re: reindeer. I reckon Katy's pink one could be Baby Spice; now I just need to make three more! Haha xxx

  2. Crafternoons (as I shall henceforth refer to them) sound awesome + lovely. I made some Christmas gift bows this weekend out of wrapping paper (the brown recycled variety) and glitter; it was fun and thrifty and now, a small bit of my couch looks all snazzy!
    Laura x

    1. Hurrah for snazzy sofas! Glitter is definitely the craft that keeps on giving; it takes weeks to get it out of anything! xxx

  3. I bought some wool today that looks like tinsel! Determined to learn to knit!!!
    Your papier mache deer are great! I love the chocolate orange!!x
