19 May 2013

Thrifty Tips: Petals and Pasties

Hello lovelies

I hope you're all having totally excellent weekends :)

I'm sorry I have been posting as much on here over the last few weeks- I've been spending any free time I've had working on blog posts for Artists Open Houses (which you can see here - or posts 1, 2, 3, and 4) and eating far too many things covered in cheese. Except for last night, when I had an inexplicable craving for warm French green beans dipped in Marmite. 

Side note - I am definitely not pregnant; so just think how weird my cravings might be if I ever have a baby!! Marmalade on courgettes?! Lemon curd on carrot sticks?!  

In an attempt to make up for my lack of posts I wanted to share two more Thrifty Tips with you today, because unless you're Brewster from Brewster's Millions I imagine you're looking to spend less on things whenever you can. 

First up is one for those of you who ever travel by train. Apologies if you'd heard of them before (and feel free to skip this bit), but I wanted to tell you about Bite cards. These cards give you a twenty percentage discount(!) at the following places in all train stations. And they're absolutely FREE.

Whenever I travel by train (which is normally only at the weekends, when I'm heading out on adventures) I take a bottle of water and normally a few emergency snacks, so I don't get hungry and turn into she-Hulk, but very occasionally I'll treat myself to a hot chocolate to warm up on the train home- and 20% off just for flashing my bite card feels pretty darn good. You don't have to show a train ticket with it either- so if you live or work by a train station you can always pop in for a reduced price pasty on your lunch break too. You can sign up for one here; and they don't send you loads of spammy emails either. 

Secondly, my MIL told me a while back that Waitrose reduces some of its fresh bunches of flowers to stupidly low prices right at the end of the day, so when Tom and I popped in on our way back from the pub on Thursday looking for 9p bearclaws (no dice :( ) I went to look at the flower stand and managed to pick up four bunches of carnations with a total RRP of £12 for 40p!! That's right people- Waitrose reduces them from £3 a bunch to TEN PENCE a bunch at the end of the day (around 8.45pm in our local store). 

They definitely smell all the sweeter for being such a bargain. 

Have you discovered any good discounts recently? 

Katie xxx

P.S. This post wasn't sponsored by Waitrose, Bite Cards, or Brewster's Millions- I just wanted to let you guys know about money off stuffs! 


  1. Oooh, worth knowing re Waitrose if I don't manage to grow any wild flowers for my wedding! Ahrgh, slightly panicking about it at the moment!x

  2. I recently got a reduced gorgeous boquet of flowers from Tescos, reduced from £8 to £1.20! (also bought late on in the day).They were beautiful and lasted almost 2 weeks! Bargains and fresh flowers - two of my favourite things! xx

  3. Oh, how cool is that? I love fresh flowers but I'm far too stingy to buy them. Until now... xx

  4. thanks for these tips :)

    everything should be covered in cheese in my opinion
