1 May 2013

Table Talk

Hello lovelies!

Can you believe it that my cold is STILL going on?! Me neither. I've spent the last three days Googling "countries where snot is a currency" so we can move house and become millionaires. So far, no dice.

I decided to make the most of the sunshine on Sunday and have a (medicinal) half pint of perry before our Sunday lunch. Have I mentioned Tom's awesome Sunday roast dinners on here before? I'm not saying he's the love of my life solely because of his roast dinners; but they do cancel out an awful lot of smelly Man Socks being left on the floor... Anyway, because I have a lower alcohol tolerance than your average newborn baby, half a pint of perry = me being totally sloshed.

Which is how I came to be sitting in my brand new chair at 3pm, under my gorgeous new blanket, cackling drunkenly and staring intently at the legs of our dining room table. "You know, what our table needs?!" I thought to myself yelled to Tom in the kitchen, "YELLOW LEGS!"

Table legs before. YAWN.

I didn't get painting there and then, because there was a roast dinner to be consumed and napping on the sofa to be undertaken like the trooper I am. I planned to go to Homebase and buy a tester pot of yellow emulsion to turn into some more homemade chalk paint, but instead I decided to try using some paint that I already had. 

Ok, so it was acrylic paint, which probably isn't recommended for painting on wooden furniture. But it was right there, and Homebase wasn't. In fact, Homebase is a good seven minute walk for my house- a distance that practically qualifies me to set up a Justgiving page for charity sponsorship should I try to walk it! There are few things I am if not chronically lazy about my crafting. The same reason why I used sellotape for taping the edges for this project instead of masking tape; the sellotape was in the dining room, and the masking tape was all the way up in the loft- up a whole flight of stairs and a ladder.

So the next day I pulled out my stash of acrylic paint and my bag of plaster of Paris, and stirred up the perfect consistency of homemade chalk paint- which I have decided is the viscosity of hummus. I was going to go for just yellow, but then this gorgeous bright blue tube just wouldn't stop staring at me. 

So, two coats later, I ended up with this:

The blue and yellow legs are on alternate corners, and as you can see the blue leg "socks" are also higher than the yellow ones.

I love it. What do you think? 

Katie xxx


  1. Stripey socks for the other legs? Or dare I say, a sexy seamed stocking with a glued on suspender? x

    1. Haha Emma Kate that would be brilliant! I have actually painted all 4 table legs already, but some of my chairs have yet to be painted. "Lingerie Chair" and "Pippi Longstockings Chair" sound like excellent seating themes :p xxx

  2. Katie, I love them! Emma's suggestion is utter genius! x

  3. So.. you could draw silly faces on them with chalk as well? What's not to love about those chair legs Katie?! I'll paint mine like that too! Er. My table legs, not my actual legs. But that could work too?

    1. Didn't women used to paint their stockings on with tea and pencils during the war? We should definitely bring that back! :) xxx

  4. wow what a funky table! I've been suffering a cold for the last couple of weeks, it's on its way out now but I totally sympathise with the snot issue - if you do find anywhere we can use it as currency, do let me so I can retire very early!

    1. So sorry to hear that Louise- I'm wishing you a very speedy recovery and I will of course let you know if I find anywhere where we can make our millions :) xx

  5. I love these, they are like leg warmers! Feel all cosy just looking at them.

    1. Haha YES. Dinner is going to be accompanied by compulsory legwarmers for people too from now on. I'm going to start calling our dining room Chez Flashdance. xxx
