27 May 2013

Photos of Good Stuff

This was meant to be another Photo an Hour post from today's adventures, but I kept getting distracted with having too much fun to take photographs. Oops! So, instead, it's more of a Photos From Whenever I Remembered To Take Them post... 

My new Henry Holland tights
Which have miraculously stayed snag-free all day (hurrah!). I didn't use any miracle sun cream on my legs today, in the hope that I'd develop star-shaped tan lines. Sadly not today; but I reckon if I wear these all summer I'm in with a chance. 

Leisurely breakfasts
During the week, I munch on fresh fruit throughout the morning whilst in the office because:
1. I don't feel hungry really early in the morning
2. Eating breakfast at work splits the morning up, and
3. It stops me snacking on biscuits at 10am. 

Weekend mornings are a completely different matter, and involve stacks of pancakes, bowlfuls of cereal, bargainous Waitrose pastries and vegetarian fry-ups when I'm craving something savoury. Not all four at once, obviously (unless I'm really hungry!).

This morning's breakfast: yoghurt, peach, blush pear, and Jordan's Country
Crisp (raspberry flavour) cereal, with apple & mango juice. 
Saturday's breakfast: caramelised raisin pancakes, with
blush pear, lemon and sugar.

Admiring the countryside
On the vista-tastic train ride from Lewes to Brighton. The rail replacement bus service from Brighton to Worthing was considerably less pleasant; unless you're a fan of unwashed strangers falling asleep on your shoulder and head-butting you when they wake up... I truly believe Hell must involve being condemned to spending eternity on a replacement bus service. 

Piratical pasties
Isn't this the best pasty shop you've ever seen? I didn't partake, but aar was I tempted!

Bargain ramen
Wolfing down a new Innocent ramen noodle pot as a speedy late lunch, after finding it on the reduced shelf in Tesco for 98p from £3.95. 

A belated birthday present
In very exciting packaging, from the lovely Katy. I tried to guess what it was by feeling it through the packaging, but had no chance with this one! I did, however, manage to rule out "puppy". 

It turned out to be this incredible astronomy globe. I absolutely love it!!

How's your Bank Holiday weekend been? What did you get up to? 

Katie xxx


  1. I love those start tights - and the idea of getting star tan lines too! That is the best pasty shop I've ever seen - wow! Your breakfasts look very healthy and tasty. I don't have anything for breakfast at all as I'm not a morning person and would rather have more sleep that eat! Hasn't it been a lovely weekend :)

    1. They're lovely aren't they! I don't normally buy expensive tights for fear of ruining them, but these are a really thick denier so seem pretty robust. I'm definitely a bigger fan of food than sleep; although in an ideal world obviously I'd choose both :p xx

  2. Your bank holiday weekend looks a lot more fun than mine which was all painting and tidying. Love the scenery pic but what a shame about the solar panels! They have to ban them in pretty areas! xx

    1. Your new drawers are totally worth it though. It did involve several hours of digging up roses yesterday- and I've got the thorn scratches to prove it. But aside from that, it's been lovely :) xx

  3. Awesome tights!! that pasty shop might be the best I've ever seen, it's making me want a pasty which doesn't often happen! xx

    1. It's fantastic, isn't it? And just when I thought Worthing had absolutely nothing going for it... xx

  4. WOW that globe is amazing! That pasty shop in Worthing used to be a pub! Imagine having a cider in there! I've just seen your comment re meeting, goddamit! I dont know why I didnt get a notification?! xx

    1. It looks more like a pub- I think they should've combined the two; pint and a pasty would be a winner! I'm sure I'll be over Hove-wards again soon (any excuse to go to Ethel's!) xx

  5. Loving that spotty dress dearie. xxx

    1. Thank you muchly- it was a Primark bargain (£13 I think). Although I have to wear tiny shorts underneath it as it's rather on the short side. It's definitely going to be my go-to dress this summer though :) xxx

  6. Looks like a fun weekend and love those tights! We played golf together and got annoyed at people with their kids on the course. We had bubble tea, pizza and massive cake slices. Very indulgent :-)

  7. i love that dress!


  8. I love those tights! And your breakfasts are making me hungry and jealous. I never eat like that... might have to change that!
