24 March 2013

Six Things Sunday

Hello lovelies

I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend. My weekend has been incredibly relaxed; revolving around pottering, daydreaming, reading, looking at nice kitchens on Pinterest, and eating far too much delicious food (hell-o elasticated waistbands for work this week).

Here are six things I'm feeling very grateful for at the moment:

1. Craft Inspiration

I bought Tom a t-shirt for Christmas 2009 which turned out to be much too big. I decided to try and make it smaller for him myself using my sewing machine, which ended up failing miserably and turning it into a "Wyld Stallyns" t-shirt, as Tom and I call tops that look like this. It's been sat in my "To Fix" pile ever since- and even moved house with us- but I couldn't figure out what to do with it. Then today I remembered Tom wanted me to make him a cushion for the Man Cave so he could nap more comfortably for secret ninja reasons. Eh voila:

2. Ryan Gosling 

Apparently, website Blinkbox has set up a helpline for fans of Ryan Gosling, after the news that he plans to take a break from acting to focus on directing instead. Fans* can call the emergency number and listen to audio recordings of some of his most famous lines of dialogue. Seriously.

For those of you too distraught by the news to even pick up the phone.
You're welcome.

3. The weather
Ha- got you. That's a total lie. 

I was DETERMINED on Monday not to wear winter clothing again until November, which means I walked to work in just my new Easter cardigan (with other clothes underneath, I hasten to add; I didn't wear a coat). 

I've decided to sell the story of my rather shivery walk home from work to Take A Break magazine, which will be entitled "How my optimism nearly killed me". 

By the way, I realise my hair is rather "lion's mane-y" in the picture above. That's how I like it. And it was also the inspiration for this

4. Shania Twain
I love her. And listening to her music reminds me of the summer I spent doing pretty much nothing but watching Ally McBeal, eating pretzels, and singing along loudly to Shania Twain whilst dancing around my bedroom. I was an incredibly rock and roll teenager, you know. 

Shania showing off that more is definitely, well, more.
Also, how strong must her NECK be?!

5. Jack Wills
Ok, this one is also sort of a lie. I've always thought Jack Wills sold nothing but incredibly overpriced/snobby rugby shirts and hoodies, and I've never understood why someone would pay over £60 for an item of clothing that essentially had someone else's name on it. Unless that person was Batman. And by that I mean someone buying a jumper saying "Batman", not Batman wearing Jack Wills. That would be weird. 

But Jack Wills clothes seem to be everywhere at the moment, with lots of lovely fashion bloggers doing promo shoots and running competitions to win one of their dresses. So I decided to take a snoop at their website and, you know what?! Some of their clothes are actually really beautiful. The floral prints in particular are so incredibly sweet. And I've now spotted this rucksack and this cushion in the sale and I kind of want them... dammit. 

6. Lack of Lepidopterophobia

Aka a phobia of butterflies. Because, with the exception of a tiger, two ladybirds, and a Spiderman, that was ALL I was asked to paint on children's faces/arms/hands at my friend's little boy's party. Seriously, kids- you could've been freakin' PIRATES or something.

Butterflies. The vanilla ice-cream of face painting. 

What've you been up to this weekend? Anything you're particularly thankful for? 

Katie xxx

*And by "fans" I obviously mean "people with serious issues". 


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have a real aversion to facepaints, they make me realllly nervous (as does Mendhi!!!!!) so you are a BRAVE HERO in my eyes to actually willingly paint these on other people and yourself! Forgive me for averting my eyes from the piccies!
    Love the new cardie! Laughed at your Takeabreak reference!!!
    DO you know, you would totally get on with my friend Emily, she dressed up as Aslan for her recent Narnia themed party! She's cool and creative, she even has her own bespoke gingerbread business called 'maid of gingerbread!'
    Jack Wills is totally overpriced but my fiance found a really nice rainbow checked shirt in there (and I found a lovely floral dress in a charity shop!)- they had a totally cute tartan dress at Christmas!)
    Great cushion!!!x

  2. Oooh, check out her link: http://maidofgingerbread.com/#Maid-of-Gingerbread

  3. Oh your Easter Cardigan is sooo cute! I love the colours. And your blonde hair looks lovely! Thanks for the Ryan Gosling picture as well ^_^

    1. Thank you :) I'm finally getting used to seeing the blonde in the mirror :p xx
