1 May 2016

Deliveroo Breakfast Review

I've always assumed that one of the Top Five Things about being a Princess is having breakfast delivered to your bed every single day. Thanks to my penchant for singing for no reason, I've also suspected that, if I ever became a princess I'd be a Disney one. Both points were confirmed yesterday morning when a flock of cheery Deliveroo birds* arrived carrying breakfast!!! OMG I KNOW, RIGHT?!

It wasn't a complete surprise, given that Deliveroo's new Pretend To Be A Princess BREAKFAST DELIVERY SERVICE (I'll wait a minute to let that sink in... *counts to sixty elephants*) lets you order the night before. Which is not only genius, but also the reason I spent 45 minutes drooling over their new breakfast restaurant partners' menus on Friday night trying to choose between a smoothie or a huge stack of pancakes. I mean, who was I trying to kid?!

This resulted in a flock of early birds arriving outside my front door at 9.30am (right on time) carrying a bag of piping hot deliciousness from the lovely folks at LangeLee's:

Roy and Susie were incredibly helpful, but Lucy was too busy trying to get at the maple syrup...

My co-breakfaster and I opted for Langlee's homemade pancakes with fresh fruit and maple syrup, and the veggie version of their veggie/vegan "Brighton" fry-up (which includes a fried egg). We added a couple of fresh juices to make me feel better about swerving the healthy smoothie option... and then I noticed that Langlee's breakfast menu includes "Homemade Peppermint Crisp Millionaire Shortbread". Well, who am I to argue with a chef on what is considered suitable breakfast fare?! 

Gary kept trying to get at the tinfoil-wrapped toast every time my back was turned... 

The birds decided to hang around and help us unpack each of the goody-filled boxes;the best kind of unpacking. My only criticism (aside from Bob's useless unpacking skills- it's as if he doesn't have thumbs!) was that the millionaire shortbread and packet of butter had been put in the bag with the hot food, so they were a little, err, melty... The silver lining was that this made the butter easier to spread, and a few minutes in the fridge sorted the cake out in the end.

The pancakes were really light and fluffy, and there was a seriously generous portion of fruit; much more than I'd expected! The berries made me feel almost virtuous, despite consuming approximately a gallon and a half of maple syrup. 

The fry-up was full of the (veggie) classics; cooked tomatoes, wonderfully garlicky mushrooms, and a hash brown, plus some really tasty wilted baby spinach and quite possibly the best vegan sausage I've ever had. 

Obviously, if you wanted to make it look fancier, you could plate everything up properly for a seriously glamorous breakfast-in-bed scenario. Or, if you happen to hate washing up (and your Princess Experience doesn't come with a washing-up fairy) the tubs are good enough to eat out of! 

The cherry on top of the (pan)cake was remembering midway through the afternoon that I still had a slab of millionaire shortbread in the fridge. And, my oh my, was it good. Breakfast AND afternoon tea in one. Hurrah!

I'd heartily recommend using Deliveroo for a breakfast in bed delivery to anyone who likes, well, food. Who WOULDN'T want a huge stack of pancakes arriving at their bedside without even having to ring for the butler?!

Katie xxx

* Disclaimer: I was lucky enough to get this breakfast courtesy of Deliveroo, but all opinions are my own. Deliveroo would also like me to issue a disclaimer that they cannot guarantee every delivery will be brought by friendly birds. Sometimes it will be an equally lovely person on a (motor)bike.


  1. Woooooooow!!!! This does sound amazing!!! And how nice of the birds to help! Glad they didn't guzzle ALL the maple syrup!!! It's so nice to see a blog post from you! Yeeeesssss!!!! xx

    1. It was brilliant- I just had a bowl of granola for breakfast and it definitely wasn't the same (except for Lucy trying to steal a raisin- she's so damn sneaky!). Thank you for the cheering too; I'm going to try harder to write more I swear! xxx

  2. I am so upset that I read about this in bed at breakfast and it doesn't appear to be switched on for me yet. I WANTED THE FULL BANK HOLIDAY PRINCESS EXPERIENCE DAMMIT.
    Lovely post though, you've made me very hungry.

    1. I'll have words with them for the late May BH. In the meantime, I can pop round and post some vegan pancakes through your letterbox? (no birds, sadly; they're fair-weather delivery dudes) xxx

  3. Oh my goodness. Is being able to have Deliveroo a good enough reason to move to Brighton? I think it might...


    I have a grand total of two takeaways which will deliver to my house now that I've moved. And both are pizza places of dubious quality. However leftover cold pizza for breakfast is sometimes a great idea.

    Rachel x
    The Inelegant Wench

    1. If pancakes aren't a legitimate reason to completely uproot your life and move to another part of the country then I honestly don't know what would be!!

      Cold pizza for breakfast is a delicious way to start the day; now I just have to gain enough self-control to actually leave some of it until the morning :p xxx
