28 January 2015

(Road) Trippin'

S'up homies!

You're looking extra pretty today!  

I've been so super busy recently I've scarcely had time for second breakfasts! Obviously, I've made the time; a girl must stick to her priorities, after all. In the last few weeks I've been flat-hunting (aka snooping around other people's homes judging their colour scheme choices), eaten more chocolate than one human being should in a lifetime, wriggled my way into dozens of pretty dresses (trying on clothes counts as aerobic exercise, right?), and gone on a crazy road trip to visit friends in Exeter. I'm feeling exhausted just thinking about it. 

My Exeter adventures were surreal to say the least. I guess any roadtrip which starts with discovering The Service Station That Time Forgot sets a precedent for oddities in abundance. It was like a post-apocalyptic car boot sale. The items for sale included:

Metal fish...

Customisable teddy bears...

And 2013 diaries...

Excuse the blurriness; I was laughing too hard to focus. 

After that incredible start to the weekend, I also found...

Muffins From Outer Space

A tomb of Medieval bunk-beds. Can you imagine being cursed to spend eternity on the bottom bunk, while your buddy is on the top bunk with a girl?!

A serious collection of rubbers

Hitchcock's Dream Room

The world's weirdest salesman's sample

Tinned pigeon (just kidding)

The saddest/most excellent graffiti EVER

Awesome answers for Cards Against Humanity

Beautiful views

Fossils galore

A rather dashing light switch

And the most ironic sign placement I've ever seen

Exeter- you are ruddy brilliant.

What have you been up to recently? 

Katie xxx

P.S. I'm linking up to Hannah's #TWTWC, because she's a doll. 


  1. What are you saying on the video?! Please explain, I don't gettit!!!
    Ha, your photos are hilarious- yes, er, bizarro!!!!!!x

    1. It's an all you can eat buffet "And then..." An overeaters anonymous banner! :p

  2. Oh my goodness, it was a bit surreal, add in the Vicar and his amuuuusing Oldham story, an impromptu 'art exhibition' and pizza with pork scratchings on and it couldn't get much weirder! :p xx

    1. I know!! Seeing it all laid out like that (and heavily edited) it might well be one of the weirdest weekends ever xxx

  3. Oh that looks like a fun road trip! I love finding random and obscure things in odd rest stops and stores along highways. And those muffins from space are hilarious! Very interesting packaging.

    1. I imagine you can find some real gems in some of your local services! Maybe I should write a guide book on the best strange service stations? :p xxx

  4. Haha this is awesome, so many fun finds! Maybe the guy on the bottom bunk was the valet, do he just had to put up with the antics going on above his head ;)

    1. I definitely would've carved him with his hands over his ears :p Maybe I should've left him my mp3 player! xxx

  5. Hahaha! That medieval bunkbed one made me laugh out loud :) sounds like an awesome and hilarious trip X

    1. It was brilliant; I would highly recommend a visit if you're ever over that way xxx

  6. The most worrying thing to me about the whole post is the bloody creepy bear that you draw on!? weird

    1. Isn't it just? Although I do remember those from the 90's... xxx

  7. I've got family down that way and love the area. What was the museum you went to?

    1. Erm... it's like the Natural History Museum, but I don't know what it was called. It has a bright pink foyer - does that help? xxx

  8. That graffiti... oh my...! That made me both laugh and cry...! I'm glad you've had an excellent time away :) how's the house hunting going?

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx

    1. It's brilliant, isn't it? What a wild weekend they must've had!
      House hunting has yet to proove fruitful, but I'm still hopeful of finding my Dream House (like Barbie) xxx

  9. Oh this is priceless funny graffiti haha I must go back to Exeter it really is beautiful and clearly more random than I remember! Made me laugh with the bunk beds! TWTWC x

    1. You definitely should go back - if only to visit that graffiti! It's on a bin by the river xxx

  10. That does look like one very cool roadtrip! There's a shop in Holyhead in Anglesey very much like that service station, last time I went in (last April) they still stocked blank cassette tapes (all dusty) and mugs celebrating the wedding of Charles and Diana. I'd love to take pictures and do a blog post but the place is rigged with cameras everywhere (as if anyone would want to steal anything...). I do love the dog waste bin as well, although it's probably quite bad that I actually feel a little bit sad for Deano and Kev. :-) xx

    1. Oh wow! That sounds amazing!! I think you should take photos regardless- I'm sure they can't arrest you for documenting a display of mugs :) xxx
